5 Effective Tips for Weight Loss at Home

5 Effective Tips for Weight Loss at Home

The COVID-19 pandemic bought in drastic changes to how the world functions. As everything, from work to education shifted indoors, people slowly started adjusting to the new way of functioning. However, staying fit and healthy had also shifted indoors as gyms and parks were closed during the pandemic. This forced fitness enthusiasts to find new and unique ways to stay fit and remain healthy.

With everything opening up and the return of normalcy, many people are still sceptical about going outside for run or working out. If you are still worried about personal safety and hygiene and want tips to stay healthy and lose weight from the comfort of your home, read more to find out.

Tips to stay fit from your home:

If you want to stay fit, healthy and focus on your weight while staying at home, you can consider the following tips:

  • Invest in good workout equipment

During the pandemic, when gyms were shut, people started turning towards buying their own equipment. As workout equipment such as dumbbells, pulleys, benches, etc are easily available online, you can purchase some of them for yourself and build a home gym. The key here is to focus on to reduce your weight. So, make sure you invest equipment that can help you achieve that goal. You also invest in skipping rope and other equipment that is designed to burn your fat. Keeping a track of your health vitals will help you maintain your goal. This can be done using an app or fitness band. 

  • Divide your meals

We usually have the habit of having heavy meals for lunch and dinner. While this might seem like a good idea, it can also increase your weight instead. When you have a heavy meal for lunch or dinner, it makes you feel bloated. Also, depending on how your metabolism is, it might take a while for the meal to be digested. Which means the food does not breakdown properly and could lead to saturation of unhealthy fats. It is always advised to divide your meals in to 5-6 small meals throughout the day. This allows you to feel less bloated. Smaller meals mean lesser exertion on your stomach. If you were to crave for something mid-meals, you can always munch on salads, beans, lentils and legumes to compensate for your cravings.

  • Add seeds to your diet

There is a rising trend of adding seeds to food. Chia seeds, fenugreek seeds and black cumin seeds are just a few examples. While many might dismiss these seeds, there benefits to them that you should not overlook. Chia seeds and carom seeds help in burning the fat, especially towards the lower belly area. Fenugreek seeds help in increasing your metabolism, which will help in quicker digestion. Black cumin seeds, when consumed after being soaked overnight, also help in burning of the excess fat in your body.

  • Control your calorie intake

Everyone has sweet tooth. However, when you are working from home, there are chances of overconsumption of too many sweet products. This could increase the blood sugar level and calorie level in your body. Always keep a track of how many calories you are consuming. Limit the consumption of sweets. The same applies for chocolates as well. Try replacing the sugar in your home with low calorie alternatives such as stevia and jaggery. You can use apps to keep a track of your calorie consumption. There is a feature known as CalScan which helps in doing that. 

  • Keep drinking water

The emphasis on staying hydrated is always maintained, and for a good reason. Water helps in clearing any harmful toxins from your body. It also helps in proper functioning of all the organs. Water helps in the maintenance of blood circulation as well. More importantly, water aids in keeping your digestive system clean as it pushes out undigested food out of your body, which would otherwise increase the fat levels in your body.

These are just a few tips that you can follow to lose your weight and stay healthy from your home. If you have a health insurance, you can use the health assistance app from your insurer to get more tips. 

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