Southern Cities Every Traveler Must Visit

The South is a dream come true for many vacationers, giving them the chance to explore the history of this country and enjoy some of the best food and entertainment available.  If you’re eager to travel through these areas: make sure to pick the perfect city for your needs! TheseContinue Reading

Stating that it’s “ disturbed” by the verdicts relating to Myanmar’s ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi and others, India said Tuesday that the rule of law and the popular process must be upheld. It said any development that “ undermines these processes and accentuates differences is a matter ofContinue Reading

At least 13 people have failed and dozens were injured after the Semeru flash point in Indonesia erupted, news agency Reuters has reported quoting the country’s disaster mitigation agency (BNPB). Deep layers of ash have gulfed the area and deliverance operations are presently underway. The Semeru flash point on theContinue Reading

The omicron variant spread among two completely vaccinated trippers across the hallway of a Hong Kong counterblockade hostel, emphasizing why the largely shifted coronavirus strain is agitating health authorities Closed- circuit TV camera footage showed neither person left their room nor had any contact, leaving airborne transmission when separate doorsContinue Reading

Seoul South Korea reported a record diurnal new COVID-19 infections and 70 deaths, while a civil aggregate of nine cases of the Omicron variant have been verified, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said on Saturday The government on Friday blazoned that people visiting caffs, playhouses and otherContinue Reading

From Monday, Singapore will renew marketable breakouts with India through its vaccinated trip lane (VTL) installation with six designated breakouts daily from Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai The resumption comes a week after Singapore’s civil aeronautics authority (CAAS) blazoned on November 21 that it reached an agreement with India’s aeronautics ministryContinue Reading