What Pet Owners Should Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

What Pet Owners Should Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

Of recent, CBD has grown popular in usage among humans and gradually for pets too. Like other trending activities, there is much misguided information spreading around, especially on the internet. This makes it quite challenging for pet owners to get the right information.

Certainly, you love your pup and want to give it the best without making any expensive mistake. Thus, this article on CBD oil for dogs is exactly what you need! But first, let’s define some terms.

Defining Concepts: CBD

CBD is a term for cannabidiol which is usually gotten from cannabis. However, it is imperative for you to understand that this cannabidiol does not make your pet high the same way marijuana would. This is due to the absence of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) chemical.

Still confused? Understand that both hemp and marijuana are produced from cannabis plants but each of them contains varying levels of the tetrahydrocannabinol chemical. Marijuana may consist of over thirty percent of that chemical while hemp contains way lesser values than that. You can visit https://www.insider.com/what-is-thc to read more about THC.

So, what is CBD Oil?

Simply put, it is an oily substance made out of the leaves, and sometimes the stems of cannabis plants that are ripe enough. It is different from hemp oil. CBD oil contains some percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol, which provides medicinal benefit in both humans and animals, but hemp oil doesn’t. However, pet parents use hemp oil for its nutritional benefits.

Humans have been using cannabidiol products with little to no side effects. The same is applicable to your pets. Although veterinary research on this is still developing to know whether there be is any long-lasting side effects, you can still try it out on your little furry friends. There are a lot of benefits that come with giving CBD oil to your dogs.

Benefits of CBD Oil for Dogs

Like humans who have benefitted from this oil treatment, your dogs can also. CBD oils can help treat chronic or occasional disease conditions your pets face. They include the following:

1. Nervousness and Anxiety

Like humans, dogs also get nervous from things like a thunderstorm, loneliness, or even separation. In worst-case scenarios, your pet could scurry out the window. However, cannabidiol is proven to remedy this condition of nervousness and anxiety in dogs.

2. Pain

Your dogs can either experience regular or excessive pain. There could be a number of factors causing this which include but are not limited to age, surgery, and injury. Consistent use of CBD oil can help alleviate such kind of pain in your pets.

3. Inflammation

Cannabidiol is highly anti-inflammatory due to the chemical properties inherent. As a result, the immune system of the dogs is boosted.

4. Arthritis and Pains in the Joints

With old age comes the problem of arthritis. Howbeit, the application of cannabidiol can help alleviate this issue and improve the bone’s health. Other issues that it addresses are:

  • Problems of digestion.
  • Cancer symptoms.
  • Some pet owners have reported its usefulness in treating epileptic seizures.

5. Unhealthy Fur

An application of CBD oil on your pet’s skin can increase the fur’s texture and cause it to have healthy skin. You can also check out cheefbotanicals to find out more benefits of cannabidiol oil for dogs.

CBD Side Effects

According to scientific research, there are some possible side effects of using the treatment for dogs. Some of them include:

  1. Dryness of the mouth: CBD can reduce saliva production in dogs. As a result, an increase in thirst is bound to occur.
  2. Low Blood Pressure: Cannabidiol causes a drastic reduction in blood pressure especially when consumed in high concentrations.no matter how small the drop could be, it causes a slight feeling of dizziness.
  3. Dizziness: Cannabidiol can help prevent nervousness in your pets. But at the same time, it causes dizziness especially if applied in large quantities.

How to Locate Original CBD Oil for Dogs

Because CBD oils for dogs are not yet regulated, it may be quite difficult to find a good one for your pet. Therefore, you should consider the factors below:

1. Check its Natural Index

Looking for good quality CBD oil? It should be made from naturally planted cannabis plants that are devoid of diseases. This is because if it doesn’t come as natural as expected, it will contain toxins, pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

2. Was it Tested Independently?

Look out for companies whose products were tested independently and are certified.  The testing procedures check for mycotoxin and other things that make the product unhealthy for consumption.

3. Check the THC Quantity

Look out for the tetrahydrocannabinol chemical quantity in any product you purchase for your pet. If they contain high quantities of THC, there is a tendency that they will affect your pet. Beware of that!

4. The Extraction Process

The treatment should involve the safe extraction of the chemical. Some processing companies employ inexpensive methods like the use of solvents such as butane to extract cannabidiol. You can read this article to get more information on the different extraction methods.


If you want to give your furry friend the best especially when all is not well with them as it should be, cannabidiol is a natural solution. It has been proven by research and some testaments from users. You should also not forget to consult your Vet Doctor before treating your dogs with CBD oil. In as much as you should avoid self-prescription, you can still try this treatment for your dog, starting with a small dose.

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