Netflix Movie ‘Tell Me Who I Am’: What We Know So Far

In order to expand its really grip tales library based on real facts, Netflix has acquired rights to produce Tell Me Who I AM, a narrative adaptation of Alex and Marcus Lewis striking a true story that has been recounted in Joanna Hodgkin’s best-seller Book Tell me WHO I AM, as well as in the documentary acclaimed by Netflix’s criticism of the same name.

The project was designed by producer David Permut Hacksaw Ridge, who also worked on the iconic Nicolas Cage and John Travolta the Face / Off film. In October 2021, the project is developing very early with the search for Streamer for a writer, director and film actors Considering the synopsis of history, heavy themes and other things attached to the project, it seems that Tell Me Who I am will still be another serious competitor Oscar, when he finally comes out. Here’s all we know about Tell Me Who I am Netflix:

What is the TELL ME WHO I AM?

The cinematographic adaptation of Tell Me Who I AM will take the book by Joanna Hodgkin of the same name as the primary base. Here is the synopsis of the book that covers the premise Imagine wake up one day to discover that you have forgotten everything your life. Your only link with the past, your only hope for the future, is your identical twin.

Now, imagine, years later, discovering that your twin did not tell you the whole truth about your childhood, your family, and the forces that had shaped you. Why the secrets? Why silences? You have no choice but to start again.

This was the reality of Alex: a world where memories are just the stories that people tell you, where reality and fiction are impossible to distinguish. With courage, he passed obstinate years the hunt for the truth about his hidden past and his remarkable family. His quest to understand his true identity revealed shocking betrayals and a secret tragedy, triumph over the extraordinary adversity of paralyzing and, above all, the redemption founded on fraternal love.

Marcus his twin brother has sometimes been a companion reluctant on this trip, but for him too, he has led to siding revelations and, finally, the effusion of impossible burdens.

Their history crosses the continents and times, the 1950s and debutant high society in neighboring counties at an isolated island in the Pacific and 90 Raves. Disturbing, funny, heartbreaking and affirming, Alex and the determination of Marcus to rebuild their lives gives us a new look at how we choose to tell our stories.

The true story of the Lewis twins is well documented in a documentary 2019 Netflix of the same name and we strongly recommend to look because it has actually the twins themselves tell their story. Here is the trailer that:

Who is thrown into Tell Me Who I Am?

In October 2021, no distribution member for Tell Me WHO I AM are known, but the originated deadline article mentioned that the distribution options were already explored.

What is the state of the production of Tell me WHO I AM?

The film is currently in its unprecedented development process by October 2021.

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